A stock market is a fantastic place for those who know what they’re doing. But for most people, it can be a bit of a mystery. There are so many different types of investments, and even the most basic strategies can seem intimidating. Thankfully, investing isn’t quite as scary as it seems.
How to invest: An overview

When you first decide you want to invest, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how it works. Most people get stuck at the level of how to put money in and forget about why they’re doing it in the first place.
That’s why this section is so important. We’ll go through the different types of investments you can make, and explain which ones are best for different types of investors. Investing is all about finding the best combination of stocks and bonds to maximize your returns over the long term.
You can make your money grow by investing in stocks, or by going all in on a certain type of bond. Because both stocks and bonds are a form of debt, they can both offer different ways to make money.
What is stock?
Stock is a thing that represents ownership in a company. If you own stock in a company, you’re entitled to a piece of that company. If it makes money, you get a percentage of that profit, too. If it falls on hard times, you get a bit of that profit, too.
What makes stocks different from other types of investments is that you don’t own the whole company. Instead, you own a piece of the company. This means that if the company does well, then you do well, too.
However, if the company doesn’t do well, then you’re also not getting any of that profit. When you buy stock, you’re buying ownership in a corporation.
How to invest in stocks
There are many ways to invest in stocks. The most common is to buy a single stock and hold it for a long time. You’re betting that over time, the company making the stock will grow and be worth more money.
If you own a few hundred dollars worth of Apple, for example, you’re betting that Apple will be worth more in five years than it is now. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule.
You can also buy a bundle of stocks and hold them as a portfolio. By putting all your money into a bundle of different companies, you spread out your risk. If one company goes bad, you might only lose a small amount of money.
What is a bond?
Bonds are debt. When you buy a bond, you’re lending company money and getting a fixed amount of interest on that money. If the company does well, then you make a profit on your investment; you get your money back even if the company goes into trouble.
However, if the company goes into trouble, you still have to pay back that money with interest. Because bonds are debt, they have to make interest payments. That means there’s a risk that the company won’t be able to pay the interest. If that happens, then you lose your money.
There are two main types of bonds. Government-issued bonds are backed by the government, so they have a lower risk of defaulting on interest payments. Corporate bonds are riskier, and they’re not backed by the government.
Money market fund
A money market fund is a low-risk investment that’s meant to track the performance of the US Treasury bond. As long as the US Treasury can pay back the interest, there’s no risk of losing money.
That makes it a safe investment, even if the stock market crashes. If you don’t have a lot of money to invest, a money market fund is a great option. It’s a low-risk way to get started with investing, and you can add more money as you’re able.
A money market fund has a few different benefits. It’s a guaranteed investment, so you’re not risking losing your money if the company goes into trouble. It also has a low risk, so it has a very low chance of losing money.
The exchange-traded fund (ETF)
An ETF is a type of stock that’s traded on stock markets all over the world. ETFs track a certain theme, like gold or apple or our Shiller CAPE ratio. These trackers make it easier for investors to get diversified without having to pick and choose the best investments.
ETFs are a great option for new investors because they’re easy and cheap to buy. Just like with regular stock, you can buy and sell them as often as you’d like. That means you can buy them when they’re cheaper and sell them when they’re worth more.
That’s a great option for investors who are still new to the market and don’t know what they want to buy. Simply buy an ETF that tracks the market you’re interested in. That way, you can get a diversified look at the whole market in one shot.
Commodity ETF (exchange traded commodity)
This is one of the most exciting investments to come out in years. Commodities are things like oil, gold, and wheat that are used as necessary components in making products. Oil is used in everything from cars to food. Gold is used in everything from jewelry to electronics.
Real-life example: Shiller CAPE ratio ETF

The Shiller CAPE ratio takes into account the whole market, not just stocks. It compares the total value of a company to the current Shiller CAPE ratio. The higher the number, the better the company’s value.
In this example, we take a look at the Shiller CAPE ratio for the S&P 500. This is the largest stock market in the world, and it’s a great way to see how the market is performing. The Shiller CAPE ratio shows that the market is currently valued at 26.02.
That’s a high level, but it still leaves room for the market to fall. Falling below 21 would mean that the market is overvalued. That’s a sign that investors should be wary of the market.
Investing is a great way to grow your money over time. As long as you keep track of your investments and are willing to take some risk, you can make a lot of money from stocks. That said, don’t put all your money into the stock market.
Even if it goes up, there’s a chance it could go down in the future, too. Instead, put some money into bonds and money market funds to protect your investment from falling.